Pilgrimage for Piccoli Romei from the Basilica of Saint Martin Major

Convent complex of San Martino Maggiore

Events may vary, always contact the organizers before going on site.

On 5 October 2024, a 2.5 km walk for Peace for children and adolescents (7-14 years) in the heart of Bologna between Art and Faith!
The Carmelite Fathers, the Martiniani Events Committee and the European Friends of the Via Romea Germanica, will welcome the young participants for an urban pilgrimage which from the Basilica of San Martino Maggiore will take them through places of spirituality in the historic center of Bologna to reconnect our very young people with their culture in search of Peace.
Representatives of the three Romee maiores (Via Francigena, Via Romea Germanica and Romea Strata) and the Cammini di San Martino will be waiting for you at the entrance to the Basilica of San Martino Maggiore (via Oberdan, 25, Bologna) at 2.45 pm for a visit to the spiritual heritage starting from the Madonna of Humility (Simone dei Crocifissi, mid-14th century) and the adoration of the Child Jesus (Paolo Uccello, 1429), and then continuing along Via Oberdan, Via delle Moline, Via delle Belle Arti (stop at Palazzo Bentivoglio), Via Mascarella up to the Church of S.Maria and S.Domenico della Mascarella (via Mascarella 48) to marvel at the "Table of the Miracle of S. Domenico", a historical and pictorial document of extraordinary importance for the Bolognese Church for its 'Art and Faith.
The blessing of the Little Romes will be given in memory of the ancient medieval pilgrims departing for Santiago de Compostela, Rome and Jerusalem, consecrated by the Canons of Roncesvalles (12th century) in the internal courtyard of the Church of Mascarella by Don Alessandro Benassi.
We will continue towards the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena (via Zamboni 47) where you can see the smiling crucified Christ!
At the end, the pilgrim's testimonium, recognized by European and Italian pilgrimages linked to the Basilica of San Martino Maggiore, will be given to the participants.
Participation is limited to 14 children (7-14 years), with mandatory registration and delivery by 1 parent in the churchyard of the Basilica (2.45 pm) and return in the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena (6.00 pm).
The free donations will support the restoration of our Religious Heritage.
Registration via +39 3714970801. Email: events.sanmartinomaggiore@gmail.com; fiorella.dallari@unibo.it
via Oberdan, 25, Bologna, (BO)

­ offerta libera

­All prices
Offerta libera
+39 371 4970801
via Oberdan 25, Bologna, (BO)

From 9:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 19:30 everyday

Convent complex of San Martino Maggiore also proposes